An Audience of Leading Vitreoretinal Specialists

The Retina Society has a current membership of 750 opinion-leading vitreoretinal specialists from around the world. The meeting is open to members with one nonmember physician guest, as well as fellows-in-training. Attendance at the last three Retina Society meetings has averaged over 375 vitreoretinal surgeons. Advertising opportunities are available to exhibitors and non-attendees. Registered advertisers will receive print specifications when they become available.

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Exhibitor Advertising Rates (on Attendee booklet)

Diamond Patron, Platinum Patron, Gold Patron, Silver Patron, or Patron sponsorships include one complimentary full-page color advertisement. Exhibitors may purchase additional advertisements at the following rates:

  • Full-page: $5,000 each
  • Half-page: $2,500 each
  • Quarter-page: $1,000 each

Non-Exhibitor Advertising Rates (on Attendee booklet)

Unable to attend the meeting? The Society offers advertising opportunities to companies that cannot attend the meeting at the following rates:

  • Full-page: $6,000 each
  • Half-page: $3,000 each
  • Quarter-page: $2,000 each

All registered advertisers will receive print specifications.